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Hillyard, Green Select Bathroom Cleaner #29, Concentrated, For Use With C2 and C3, HIL0070822, 6 Half Gallons per Case, sold as 1 half gallon.
Green Select Bathroom Cleaner

Green Select Bathroom Cleaner is formulated to be non-toxic, phosphate free, biodegradable, and non-flammable. Contains no hazardous ingredients and is formulated with glycolic acid, the same organic acid found in sugar cane, beets and fruits. Effective cleaning removes soap film and hard water deposits. Good for cleaning ceramic tile, porcelain, sinks, toilet bowls, fiberglass, plastic, chrome, showers, and bathroom surfaces.

Features & Benefits:
  • Environmentally preferred surfactant blend enhances cleaning
  • Concentrated for economical cost-in-use
  • Green Seal certified


 Manufacturer:  Hillyard
 Model:  HIL0070822
 Product Name:  Green Select Bathroom Cleaner
 Color:  Green
 Fragrance:  Floral
 Non Volatile Matter:  4.00 - 5.00%
 Units per Case:  6
