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Hillyard, Carpet Debrowner II, Ready To Use, HIL0090704,12 qts per Case, sold as 1 quart.
A unique, extra strength treatment formulated for easy removal of browning in carpet. It works fast to remove browning, set colors, and to reduce fugitive dyes. Carpet Debrowner II is effective for removing coffee, tea, urine, and yellow oxidized stains from light colored carpet. It works on all carpet, except dark or Advanced 5th Generation Stain Resistant carpets. Carpet Debrowner II is also an excellent choice for removing water spots from carpet.
Features & Benefits:
  • Quickly removes browning in carpet.
  • Easily applied with a pump-up or hand sprayer.
  • Can be used for removing water spots from carpet.
 Manufacturer:  Hillyard
 Model:  HIL0090704
 Product Name:  Carpet Debrowner II
 Color:  Colorless
 pH @ 25 deg. C:  < 1.5% 
 Units per Case:  12 quarts per case

Hillyard, Carpet Spotter Gel, Ready To Use Quart, HIL0090904, 12 quarts per Case, sold as 1 quart
Carpet Spotter Gel

Delivers strong spotting power, yet it is phosphate free. Clings to carpet fibers to dissolve oil and water based soils quickly for fast removal. Formulated as a ready-to-use, concentrated gel to keep its active ingredients on the carpet fibers to dissolve the spot.

Features & Benefits:
  • Removes tough spots before they become stains
  • Thickened gel extends contact time
  • Removes alkaline and acidic spills from carpets


 Manufacturer:  Hillyard
 Model:  HIL0090904
 Product Name:  Carpet Spotter Gel- 1 Quart
 Color:  Colorless
 Fragrance:  Non-Objectionable
 Non Volatile Matter:  9.50 - 10.50%
 Units per Case:  12
 Compatible Dispensers:  No Dispenser needed
