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Hillyard, Mariner Acid Restroom Cleaner #702, dilution control concentrate for C2, C3, HIL0070222, sold as 1 half gallon, 6 half gallons per case

A special acid cleaner designed to tackle the tough soils typically found in restrooms and shower rooms. Its dual-acid formula works quickly to dissolve soap film, body oil, hard water deposits, urinary salts, and more. Mariner is perfect for cleaning ceramic tile, porcelain, stainless steel, and chrome fixtures.

Features & Benefits:
  • Powerful blend of citric and phosphoric acids
  • Ideal for use as a restroom cleaner
  • Leaves a pleasant floral fragrance


 Manufacturer:  Hillyard
 Model:  HIL0070222
 Product Name:  Mariner
 Color:  Blue
 Fragrance:  Floral
 Non Volatile Matter:  29.00 - 31.00%
 Units per Case:  6 
